Community Impact Programs

The Way Out ... The Dangerous State of Black Maternal Health

The Way Out ... The Dangerous State of Black Maternal Health

The experience of black women is different than white women in America. For black women America is a hostile place due to ingrained racism. I have travelled to almost every region of the U.S. and have yet to find a black woman that sees herself as having a comparable experience to white women at her same educational and economic level.

If the average person in America thinks that most black men play basketball and like rap, then it is not an unlikely assumption that the average doctor thinks the same. The media has played into these stereotypes. In everyday life, most people in the U.S. tend not to have many friends outside their racial groups, leading to more misinformation.

Passing the Keys

Passing the Keys

In most cases children and adults fall victim to crime, drug addiction and/or poverty. The ramifications of these experiences impact the people of the communities both physically and mentally. Many well-known social programs seek to provide support to meet the physical needs of the community members but, none provide a comprehensive approach to developing a long-term solution.

The Holistic Life Foundation works to grow a rose out of concrete, by creating a program which places the community members at the forefront of finding the solution. Call it mind- over-matter or individual therapy but, yoga practice works.