Showing Character How Companies Can Win

In today's world it is imperative that people and companies show their character. Character often defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual, work for companies and brands in similar fashion; organizations that have a clear visible moral compass stand a real chance of lasting through the next decade.

In today's business marketplace people have more choices and options of what brands they wish to purchase or participate with more than ever before but, beyond the bottom-line sales concerns; people have woken up to all the problems in the world on a level that can no longer be underestimated.

This new woken consumer society seeks to purchase, participate and be part of brands and organizations that are aware of society's largest problems and plan to do something about it.

Does that mean that all companies or brands need to start and have a charity division that hands out free products and money? In our opinion, simply no. In many cases companies may not be able to give people something tangible that they can take with them. Instead organizations should seek to give away the intangible aspects of their business.

What you may ask are intangible aspects of business that can be given away?

Five Ways to Show Company Character

1. Organizations can show what they believe by being part of movements (i.e. #metoo, clean water, promoting local businesses)

2. When a devastating problem happens world-wide speaking up about the problem

3. Having their company leaders volunteer or get involved at the leadership level at life-changing organizations

4. Develop corporate social responsibility initiatives

5. Focus on the unpopular crises and bring light to them


World Problems